The Music Theory Advantage TM
Rapid Skill Development with the Cycle of Thirds

Created by
Max Maxwell
All Rights Reserved.

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<<=PREV  REVIEW: The First Three Intervals  NEXT=>>

Do not proceed past this point without making sure you can find intervals for 2nds, 4ths and 5ths. Practice until it is quick and easy to find a Major or minor 2nd, Perfect 4th or a Perfect 5th above or below any given note. If you want to study music, you will not regret being able to spell intervals like a pro. If you give your due diligence to this course, you will be very pleased with the results.

Practice drilling until you can quickly construct these intervals for any given note. The answer charts page has interval charts with answers for intervals above or below all notes and also list a page with WolframAlpha practice widgets.  Use those charts to check you answers when drilling. To drill, just randomly pick a note, an interval (above or below) then name the note that is the chosen interval above or below the note you picked and check your answer with the charts or spell your interval into the widget then click submit to verify your answer.


To Practice: The best way to practice the intervals you know so far is to randomly pick a root note and an interval above or below that note (Major 2nd, Major or minor 3rd, Perfect 5th or Perfect 4th). Then name a series of ascending intervals as quickly as you can. For example, if you picked Major 2nd above A, then name a series of major 2nds above A starting with B. Then above B is C#. Above C# is D# then E#, F##, G## and you are back to A. If you hit triple sharps or flats, you can pick a new starting note and do the same interval again, or just pick a whole new interval and root to do the exercise again. Use the interval answer charts for intervals above and below a note to check your answers.

<<=PREV   NEXT: Spelling Sixths   NEXT=>>

Copyright © 2008-2011 Kenneth J. Maxwell Jr.